What is Canberra’s Talented Future?
What is “Canberra’s Talented Future?” With the “Jobs and Skills Summit” on this week, I have been reflecting on what sort of skills Canberra needs, now and into the future.
As a city of vast opportunities Canberra is still a mystery to many people when it comes to employment. I speak regularly with people who are either looking to move to Canberra or returning. Quite a number of them immediately think they need to work in the Government, that they will need a security clearance and that there are limited opportunities in the private sector.
This far from the truth – Canberra is a very diverse city; sure, a proportion of people do work in the public sector, but we have a significant private sector with around two thirds of people working in sectors other than government.
I think it is time to be more overt and specific about “Canberra’s Talented Future”, and we need to sell the diverse range of career opportunities available. Many Canberra based organisations are punching above their weight on the national and international stage, taking Canberra and regional products and services to the nation and the world, and providing excellent employment and career opportunities!
Let’s leverage this opportunity and the profile of the Jobs and Skills Summit to sell the diversity of Canberra to ensure our businesses and economy can continue to grow. We need to make sure Canberra is on people’s pin board when considering new career opportunities along with an amazing lifestyle!
#canberra #canberrabusiness #cbr #canberrajobs #diversecareeropportunities #worldleadingorganisations #greatlifestyle