Winter is coming!


“Winter is Coming” actually probably based on the temperatures this week, it is already here!  Whilst this phrase has been made popular by a well-known TV programme it speaks volumes of the challenges of those who are less fortunate and facing this reality.

Homelessness does not discriminate, people end up sleeping rough for many reasons and it is often part of a vicious cycle. People can be exposed to trauma at a young age in an unsafe home without positive role models, and more often than not, this carries through with them into adulthood. The trauma leads klonopin online to mental health issues, homelessness and other challenges. The cycle then continues.

Vinnies not only want to end immediate homelessness, they also want to break the cycle so the same thing doesn’t happen to the next generation. Help me, help Vinnies by donating to the cause – every little bit counts!

I’m in my fifth year of the CEO Sleepout, sleeping rough on the grounds of Questacon with a pillow, sleeping bag and three bits of cardboard;  I’m sure that with the wind blowing off Lake Burley Griffin it will really be a challenge for me, although its only for one night – many people sleep rough every night! If you can support this worthy cause, please visit the following link to sponsor me.

Thank you again for your continued support.